From January 23 to 25, 2024, a workshop was held at the Rhino Hotel in Saly to present the project document: Sustainable solutions to plastic pollution in Senegal. The workshop, organized by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Ministry of the Environment, was attended by the UNDP representative, the Ministry represented by DEEC, industrialists, government departments such as the gendarmerie, customs, the internal trade department, taxes and domain, SONAGED, PROMOGED, APROSI, NGOs (PAN Africa, Taaral, zéro déchets Sénégal… ), the Regional Centre of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions for French-speaking countries, and legal and environmental experts. Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Africa took part in the workshop, which provided a framework for exchange and consultation between a number of players.
The aim of the workshop was to enable participants to express their views on the draft document, in particular its six (06) components, and to make amendments and proposals. Once this group work had been completed, the workshop participants proceeded to the feedback phase.
All the amendments and proposals made by the working groups were taken into account in the final document, which will be drawn up by the international and national consultants of the Global Environment Facility (GEF).
Once the document has been validated by the GEF, the Sustainable Solution to Plastic Pollution in Senegal project will start in 2025 and finish in 2031.