PAN Africa has been established in Dakar since May 1996. It coordinates the activities of network members across the continent.
Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Africa is a network of information and actions for the control of pesticide. It is part of Pesticides Action Network International, a global coalition of volunteer groups, civil society organizations, research institutes, universities and citizens working for the adoption of sound environmental practices instead of the use of hazardous chemical pesticides.
PAN Africa Members, though independent from one another, work together in order to:
• inform and raise awareness on the dangers of pesticide use in agriculture and on the fight against disease vectors;
• enable the public understand complex issues and challenges related to the use of pesticides;
• mobilise public opinion and join efforts in order to deal effectively with all the problems caused by the manufacture, the use and the distribution of pesticide;
• work towards research and disseminate alternative methods and techniques to costly and hazardous pesticide adapted to the different African ecosystems;
• Promote environmental and sustainable agriculture protection based on rational management and use of local resources;
• Carry out advocacy actions towards decision makers aiming at policy changes and for a better management of pesticide.
PAN Africa has been based in Dakar since May 1996. It coordinates the activities of network members across the continent.