Concept Note
The exploitation of forests, rangeland and cropland in the short term, led in many countries of Africa to a deterioration of the environment that was manifested in the degradation or loss of forests and rangelands and the depletion of farmland. Conventional agriculture is based and favors the use of chemical inputs; they sometimes have negative effects on health (poisoning and other diseases related to pesticides) and the environment (soil depletion, pollution, etc.).
By cons, agroecology offers production systems based on biological processes; it applies ecological concepts and principles to agriculture. It promotes sustainable agriculture. Very poorly known major players in the food production, it still offers significant opportunities for Africa to achieve self-sufficiency and food security with a healthy environment.
The Research Team on “Wetlands and Agroecology (ERMIHA) of the Institute of Environmental Sciences, University CA Diop, Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Africa and the Benin Organisation for Promotion of Organic Farming (OBEPAB) are organizing this day of reflection on the prospects for development of agro-ecology in agricultural development policies in Africa.
The meeting will be held November 26, 2015 at Hotel Faidherbe.
It is for the participants in the panel, exchange, analyze and identify the impedimenta to greater integration of environmental concerns into agricultural policy; and opportunities to grasp and implement strategies for greater integration of ecological farming practices in agricultural development.
Participants in the meeting are representatives of producer organizations, civil society practitioners, researchers, academics, administrators and policy makers. The aim ultimately is to the political authorities, regional and international institutions recommendations for greater consideration of ecological and environmental issues in agricultural development policies of African countries.
Some topics to be discussed:
1. Concepts and successful experiences of Ecological Agriculture
2. Place of ecological agriculture in agricultural policies
3. Opportunities, constraints and means of promotion of ecological agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa.
4. One year after the second West African Conference on Ecological and Organic Agriculture held in Cotonou (Benin), what progress and prospects?
Specialists and experienced practitioners will be invited to briefly introduce the different topics that will be followed by discussions.
After the meeting, a summary of discussions accompanied the participants’ recommendations will be prepared and widely distributed by the organizers to policy makers, regional and international institutions and the public.