Ecological crises and land speculation are bound issues, negatively influencing hunger that affects one billion people in the world, most of whom are from rural areas, particularly women and children.
Women are those particularly affected by this new phase of capitalistic globalization. Indeed, in de world, they have only 3 % of property rights, access to land generally controlled by customary rights. However, several case studies have demonstrated the role women play in biodiversity preservation by practicing agro-ecology and, by their collective organizational practices, in strengthen social cohesion in their communities
According to the NGO Enda Pronat (Senegal), “the phenomenon already affects 669,958 ha, i.e. close to 30 % of the arable land available (note that actually cultivated land is about 2.5 million hectares on a potential surface area of 3.8 million hectares). So far, national actors are more concerned by land grabbing (250 000 ha, or 60 % of the identified areas) that foreign actors (180 000 ha, 40 % of the area).
On that account, women from Federation des Producteurs Maraichers des Niayes (FPMN) in collaboration with PAN Africa are organizing a great event on March 8, 2015 in Sangalkam in the Niaye area of Senegal.
We call for the:
• Achievement of food sovereignty!
• Fight against land grabbing!
• Promotion of organic farming!
• Claim of traditional knowledge valorization!
Planned activities are:
1. Panel on “land grabbing and impacts on women farmers”
Four women leaders trained by PAN Africa in the FLOW program will moderate this panel. In their communications, they will address issues of women’s access to land; the impacts of land grabbing on women; women developed fighting strategies.
2. Panel on “Pesticides and Health”
This theme will mainly address the risks and effects of pesticides on health especially among women and children. Information and awareness material produced by PAN Africa will then be distributed to participants.
3. Site visit of the Sangalkam women farmers Community farm
Women from Federation des Producteurs Maraichers des Niayes (FPMN) are currently producing potatoes and other vegetables. On that plot, they use organic fertilizers. The field visit will enable the public and policy makers to see that it is possible to have a high yield without using chemical pesticides and to promote good women agricultural experiences.
4. Interacting with the press
The local and national press will sure be present on that day. Interviews with South Fm radio and television agencies are planned to allow for a good visibility of our actions. A radio debate with FM Bambilor community radio on “Women and sustainable agriculture” features in our planning.
Over 300 rural women from Bambilor, Sangalkam, Beer, Bayakh, Kayar, Mboro, Thiès, Fandène, Darou Khoudoss are expected for the celebration. Political, religious and local authorities will also take part to the event, since they are directly concerned by this year’s theme.