On 14 and 15 February 2023, the fourth edition of the Dynamique pour la Transition Agroécologique au Sénégal (DyTAES) was held in Dakar at the Musée des civilisations noires. This year’s theme was “the territorialisation of agroecology in Senegal”. The opening ceremony was chaired by the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Equipment and Food Sovereignty. The event was attended by civil society organisations including NGOs, women’s groups, youth associations, consumer organisations, farmers’ organisations such as the Fédération Nationale pour l’Agriculture Biologique (FENAB), the Cadre de Réflexion et d’Action sur le Foncier au Sénégal (CFRAFS), and research institutes such as the Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD) and the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Equipement and Food Sovereignty (MAERSA), Senegalese parliamentarians, sub-regional institutions such as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and international institutions such as United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), to name but a few. Several countries or nationalities were also represented. These included Togo, Benin, Mali, Côte d’Ivoire, Cameroon and Europeans.
For having shared the efforts of DyTAES, its activities and its vision on the national territory, PAN Africa, which is very concerned about agro-ecology, took part in this meeting and in this very fruitful exchange. Indeed, the relevance of the sub-themes developed, the choice of experienced panelists, together with a pedagogical methodology, attest to the quality and high standard of the panels. Excellent speakers, through their contributions and suggestions, raised the already high level of panels.
In opening the ceremony, the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Equipment and Food Sovereignty also briefly recalled the importance of Senegalese agriculture, a key pillar of the Plan Sénégal Emergent (PSE). At the same time, he referred to the efforts made by the State in the field of agro-ecology, notably in the PSE-Vert programme, with the increase in the subsidy allocated to organic fertiliser. After welcoming the event, the Minister went on to the efforts that DyTAES is making throughout the country to ensure that agriculture is both self-sufficient and healthy. The Minister also mentioned the Senegalese government’s decision to support the work of DyTAES. Following this, he declared the meeting open.
What is DyTAES ?
Dynamique pour une Transition Agroécologique au Sénégal (DyTAES) is a network of producer and consumer organisations, NGOs, research and training institutes, local elected representatives and businesses.
Its main objective is to promote agro-ecology as a response to the current challenges facing the entire planet (pollution, climate change, extinction of biodiversity, etc.). DyTAES is working to get all stakeholders more involved in order to ensure a successful transition to agroecology. Achieving healthy and sufficient agricultural production ready to feed mankind to feed humanity without the slightest negative impact, and rethinking our agri-food systems. This is the underlying vision of DyTAES.
Why this year’s theme?
Facing the damaging effects of conventional agriculture on the environment and human health, agro-ecology remains the only solution, the only guarantee and the only alternative. However, a successful agroecological transition requires the involvement of all stakeholders at the grassroots level. DyTAES advocates a participatory and inclusive approach through advocacy, awareness-raising, experience-sharing and support for territories. This is one of the reasons that motivated the choice of this year’s theme (the territorialisation of agroecology in Senegal).
In other words, women, young people and local councillors are the first to take ownership of the concept. This upstream work by DyTAES began with the installation of DyTAELs at local level, and this largely explains the massive presence of young people, women and local councillors at the Agroecology Days in Senegal. In addition, initiatives are being taken at grassroots level to support and promote agroecology. As favourable initiatives, we can mention the deliberation of land for 100% agroecological activities by mayors in their local areas to support the DyTAES. All of this further justifies our choice of theme. During the ceremony, various panels were organised, all around the central theme.
The key messages from the Agroecology Days:
The various panels on the two days devoted to agro-ecology in Senegal were taken as a whole, opportunities for exchange, consultation, dialogue and sharing between specialities involved in the agro-ecological dynamic in Senegal. NGOs, farmers’ organisations, research institutes and local councillors were all present. The panels were led by eminent specialists with relevant contributions from the public who responded massively. The proposals and suggestions that came out of the different panels through the speakers can only be profitable for the future of DyTAES.
During the panels, a number of questions from the audience drew attention. These questions are crucial to achieving the objectives of the transition. These fundamental elements must be taken into consideration and integrated into the DyTAES to truly succeed the agroecological transition in Senegal. The DyTAES team is ready to take account of all comments, which will be studied beforehand. As subjects most frequently raised in the panels were the following:
– Farmer training using national languages as a means of communication
– Integration of agro-ecological knowledge into the school curriculum, university curricula and syllabuses
– The problem of land tenure and access to land for farmers
– The availability of water resources
– Biosafety issues, especially GMOs and dangerous chemicals
– The problem of seed selection
– The prioritisation of organic fertilisers over chemical fertilisers
– Confusion and sometimes inconsistency of laws and regulatory texts due to their numerous character
– The problem of the market, labelling and certification of agro-ecological products
– Involvement of all the ministries concerned, such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Environment, Fisheries, etc.
– Strengthening research, with a particular focus on agro-ecology
– Promote positive discrimination in favour of agro-ecological products through the provision of supplies in school canteens, barracks, university canteens, etc.
– The question of whether agroecology really can feed the world
– Agroecology vs agro-industry
Commitments made:
During the AE Days in Senegal, representatives of government departments and certain sub-regional regional organisations made commitments to support DyTAES in its mission, a mission at the service of agriculture and its stakeholders. These commitments include:
– The Minister of Agriculture has made strong commitments, in particular to increased subsidies for organic fertilisers to boost AE.
– The training of 12,000 actors as grassroots relays by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
– Setting up agro-ecology experimentation centres in ECOWAS member countries.
– Reinforcement of resources by ECOWAS while encouraging States to make more efforts
– DyTAES is committed to working towards strengthening consultation within the different ministries involved, but also between the ministries and civil society.
– Some of the mayors present at the ceremony undertook to welcome the DyTAELs such as the mayor of Mbadakhoune.